Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States. It is a day of remembrance to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military to protect our nation. Since Memorial Day is a federal holiday, workers have the day off which gives people a 3-day weekend. With this, many families travel across the U.S. to attend Memorial Day weekend celebrations. Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May, making this weekend the unofficial start of summer. Many people are excited to enjoy the warm weather and spend time with their friends. However, they neglect to realize the dangers associated with this holiday weekend. According to research, motorists are four times more likely to die in a car accident during Memorial Day weekend than any other weekend during the year. Keep reading to learn why Memorial Day weekend is the deadliest holiday for car accidents. In addition, please contact our talented Westchester County Car Accident Attorneys who will do everything in their power to help you secure the compensation you deserve.
Is Memorial Day weekend the deadliest holiday for car accidents?
Unfortunately, Memorial Day weekend has the highest average fatality rate in car accidents than any other holiday. Memorial Day weekend is the deadliest holiday for car accidents for several reasons including the number of motorists on the road and the significant role alcohol plays in celebrating this weekend.
According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), 39.9 million Americans will travel more than 50 miles over Memorial Day weekend. That being said, there will be more motorists on the roads than during a regular weekend. Essentially, this means there will be a significant amount of traffic which increases the likelihood of accidents. This is because motorists often become impatient when confronted with traffic delays which in turn causes them to drive more aggressively. Aggressive driving can result in serious collisions as motorists may not have sufficient time to react to potential roadway hazards. For instance, if a motorist is driving too fast, they may not have enough time to stop if the vehicle in front of them suddenly stops.
Moreover, driving so many miles to attend highly anticipated Memorial Day weekend parties can cause motorists to drive for several hours without rest resulting in sleep deprivation. Motorists who are sleep deprived are more likely to be involved in a car crash as their critical driving abilities are impaired. Impairments due to sleep deprivation are similar to impairments due to alcohol. Another major reason Memorial Day weekend has the highest fatality rate for car accidents is that many people consume alcohol and make the poor decision of getting behind the wheel. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), in 2020, 41% of all fatal car accidents during the holiday weekend involved drunk drivers. To prevent tragic car accidents, motorists must take the necessary precautions to arrive at their final destination safely.
In the unfortunate event that you or a loved one is injured in a car accident during Memorial Day weekend, it is critical to retain a skilled Westchester County car accident attorney. Our firm is prepared to fight on your behalf to help you seek monetary compensation for your losses stemming from the accident.