A healthcare professional wearing a white lab coat and a striped tie, with a stethoscope draped around their neck, stands with arms crossed. The background is blurred, suggesting a clinical or medical setting where personal injury attorneys might collaborate to provide comprehensive care.

If you or a loved one have come to harm because you did not receive proper medical care, please read on, then contact one of our experienced Westchester County medical malpractice attorneys to learn more about the consequences of failing to refer a patient to a specialist in New York.

What is the purpose of referring a patient to a specialist in New York?

A referral provides information about you and your condition so that the person you are being referred to does not have to ask so many questions, they are aware of relevant background information and they know exactly what they are being asked to do. Additionally, medical specialists generally do not see patients without current referrals, and being a previous patient of a medical specialist does not necessarily mean you can make ongoing appointments either. An effective referral system ensures a close relationship between all levels of the health care system and helps to ensure people receive the best possible care closest to home. It also assists in making cost-effective use of hospitals and primary health care services.

How failing to refer to a specialist can harm patients

When a doctor fails to refer a patient to another, more knowledgeable doctor, some serious harm to the patient can potentially occur. Some of the results of a failure to refer include:

  • A worsening condition or illness that may become irreversible
  • A misdiagnosis of a condition or illness due to a physician’s insufficient knowledge
  • A delayed or missed diagnosis caused by the failure to refer the patient for more comprehensive or conclusive diagnostic testing or lab work

The failure to refer a patient to a specialist or other medical professional can result in devastating consequences – even fatalities – and the patient ( or the patient’s family, in cases of death) may be able to recover damages for medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering that resulted from the harm that was sustained.

Do you have a case for failing to refer a patient to a specialist in New York?

First, you will have to establish that you were, in fact, the doctor’s patient and that he or she, therefore, owed you a duty of care. From here, you will have to prove that the physician in question diverted from the accepted standard of care, breaching his or her duty of care, that your medical condition worsened, and that you suffered significant damages as a result. This is not always easy, which is why you need one of our skilled Westchester County personal injury attorneys who have been helping victims of negligence for years.


Hausman & Pendzick effectively represent victims of negligence in Westchester County and across the state of New York. We understand how challenging life can be without financial compensation for serious injuries you have wrongly sustained. If you need a knowledgeable and skilled personal injury attorney to help you recover compensation after an accident, contact Hausman & Pendzick today.