A modern, dimly-lit bar with a long wooden counter lined with high-backed chairs. Shelves stocked with various bottles of alcohol and glassware are visible behind the counter. The bar features a sleek, contemporary design with a cozy, inviting atmosphere.

If you were injured in a public place due to poor lighting, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Contact Hausman & Pendzick today to speak with one of our experienced New York personal injury attorneys to discuss your case and your options.

Where do poor lighting accidents happen in New York?

If you are visiting or are a guest of a public establishment, you will normally assume that the property is safe. However, in some cases, it may not be if the lighting is inadequate. Even if dim lighting is part of an institution’s ambiance, the owner or manager must still make reasonable agreements to make sure that the premises are safe. The most typical places where poor lighting accidents can occur include:

  • Public restroom injuries
  • Restaurant trips and falls
  • Movie theater accidents
  • Retail store falls
  • Public transportation matters
  • Inadequately lit government buildings
  • Other poor lighting cases
  • Grocery stores
  • Cruise ship accidents
  • Poorly lit bars

What types of injuries can occur as a result of poor lighting?

Without well-lit public spaces, the chances of someone getting injured in an accident can increase drastically. For instance, you may not be able to see changes in pavement, obstacles, or stairs. Some of the injuries that can follow from poor lighting include:

  • Head or brain injuries
  • Back, neck, or spinal cord injury
  • Facial injuries
  • Sprains and strains
  • Lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Broken bones
  • Wrongful death

Can I recover damages for a premises liability accident?

An injury as a result of poor lighting can create a valid premises liability claim. If you are in this unfortunate situation, you may be entitled to compensation. The type of compensation and the amount awarded depend greatly on what losses you have faced and what burdens you are immediately left with. The most common types of compensation awarded after a premises liability claim include the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages and lost future wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death benefits
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

How long do I have to file a premises liability claim in New York?

The state of New York has a statute of limitations of three years for all personal injury claims. This implies that if you did not file your claim within three years from the date of your poor lighting accident, you likely have lost the opportunity to obtain the compensation that you deserve.

Do not wait to contact our qualified personal injury firm today to ensure you have met your deadlines. Personal injury claims are time-sensitive.


Hausman & Pendzick effectively represent victims of negligence in Westchester County and across the state of New York. We understand how challenging life can be without financial compensation for serious injuries you have wrongly sustained. If you need a knowledgeable and skilled personal injury attorney to help you recover compensation after an accident, contact Hausman & Pendzick today.