Mass Transit Accidents

Westchester County MTA Accident Attorneys

Mass Transit Accident Attorneys in Harrison, New York

The Mass Transit Authority is the largest transportation network in all of North America and proudly serves the people of Westchester County. Since we rely so much on the MTA, we hope that they will take all precautions to ensure our safety. Traveling on buses and trains come with risks. Buses have to share the road with other drivers and collisions happen regularly. Trains can injure passengers with sudden starts and stops, excess speed around curves, and even derailment. When these massive vehicles are operated recklessly, passengers are at risk of serious injury. If you have suffered injuries caused by a bus or train incident, contact an attorney immediately. If you need quick and effective legal representation, contact the experienced attorneys at Hausman & Pendzick.

Causes of Bus Accidents

Bus crashes happen often in New York. Like any other motor vehicle on the road, buses are susceptible to incidents that put its passengers at risk. Passengers can be hurt quite easily in bus crashes. Many buses do not come with seatbelts, which can make even a seemingly small accident result in very serious consequences. Even sudden stops and starts can lead to injured passengers. Sometimes, injuries can be caused by a bus that drops passengers off on dangerous parts of the road. This can lead to slip and fall accidents, pedestrian accidents, and more. If you have been injured on a bus because of negligence, you should contact Hausman & Pendzick.

Causes of Train Accidents

Train accidents are less frequent than bus accidents but when they do occur, they typically have more significant results. Trains are often safer because they are not subject to sharing the roadways of New York like buses are. Most train passengers are not protected by seatbelts or constraints. When a train operator speeds around turns or starts and stops irresponsibly, a passenger can get hurt. Train derailments, though rare, can cause catastrophic results and may even be fatal. If you have been injured in a train crash, contact Hausman & Pendzick.

Municipalities may be to blame

If you are injured on a bus or train, you may have to bring a lawsuit against a municipality. Suing a municipality for a personal injury claim is very different than suing a private or commercial party. To file a lawsuit with a municipality, you have 90 days from the date of the injury to file a Notice of Claim. The municipality will request a hearing to assess the validity of the claim. If you satisfy the legal standard to sue the municipality, you have 1 year and 90 days from the incident to file suit. If you are injured on a municipality owned vehicle, contact Hausman & Pendzick.

Contact a Westchester County personal injury law firm

If you have been injured on MTA transportation, you should explore your legal options with an experienced Westchester County personal injury lawyer. Hausman & Pendzick has been of service to Westchester County, and all of New York for decades. Our firm has successfully represented the interests of New York clients through a variety of personal injury matters. Bus and train crashes can be serious situations that haunt you for the rest of your life. If you need our legal services, contact Hausman & Pendzick for a free consultation.

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