cars sitting in traffic

The Labor Day weekend is often a great time to unwind and go to barbecues and parties with your friends and loved ones. Unfortunately, this long weekend is also quite dangerous for motorists. Drunk driving accidents are quite common and injuries from these crashes can be quite severe. If you or a loved one get hurt in a crash, our Westchester County drunk driving accident attorneys can help you pursue compensation.

Are Drunk Driving Accidents More Common on Labor Day?

There were more than 490 crash fatalities during the 2022 Labor Day holiday and more than one-third of those accidents involved a drunk driver. Crashes during this long weekend are common thanks to the increased traffic on the road and the involvement of alcohol. People go to parties, have a few drinks, and underestimate the effect it has had on their ability to drive safely.

Alcohol dulls the reflexes and the senses. It makes it harder to react to changes in traffic conditions. It’s no surprise that drunk drivers can cause crashes and serious injuries.

What Should I Do If I Get into a Labor Day Car Accident?

If you get into a crash on Labor Day, you should begin building a case right away. We recommend:

  • Getting the vehicles moved to somewhere safe
  • Taking pictures of the accident scene and damage to the vehicles
  • Exchanging insurance information with the other driver
  • Calling the cops to the scene
  • Getting medical care right away
  • Avoiding making any statements that admit fault

Then it’s time to talk to an attorney.

Can I Sue After Getting into an Accident on Labor Day?

Yes, you can and should sue for compensation if a drunk driver causes you harm. A lawyer from our firm can help you build a case and hold an irresponsible motorist responsible for the harm that they have caused. You could be reimbursed for things like:

  • Medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Mental and psychological anguish

Does NY Have “Dram Shop” Laws?

When someone serves other people alcohol, they need to be responsible. This means not overserving or giving more alcohol to someone who is clearly already drunk. This is the logic of the Dram Shop Act, a New York law that allows people to hold a bar or restaurant accountable when someone is overserved at their establishment and then causes an accident.

This law can also apply to someone who is just hosting a party, but usually only in a situation where it’s a minor who is overserved. If you think that you have a case against someone who served a drunk driver alcohol, we can help you pursue damages.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

If you were hurt in an accident, don’t pursue compensation on your own. Contact Hausman & Pendzick to schedule a consultation with our team today.